Christine Style

Princess Poppy Ponders Potted Plants, steamroller relief print on pre-stained paper with chine collé 2023 49 x 30 inches Printed on Heavy weight Mulberry

Christine Style has been making prints 35+ years and in the last 15 years have focused on relief print woodcuts. She is a professor emerita after teaching printmaking and drawing at UW- Green Bay for 31 years. Style maintains a studio in Green Bay and has made large-scale prints, often printed using a steamroller since 2014. Style has a BS in Art from UW-Madison and an MFA in printmaking from UW-Milwaukee. There is retrospective book about her available at the bookstore. LINK

Artist Statement
My prints bounce between inventive planned representational visual stories using primarily black and white and colorful abstractions. I play with pattern and image and with the monotype on a wood matrix. I am interested in: exploring how ink, color or black and white, sets into the paper; seeing how the colors overlap; how the wood grain inherent in the wood can be used; how carved patterns can be overlapped, how chine collé can expand the paper tonal range; and how the print matrix is a vehicle for metaphor and stories . I am less interested in making large editions. I have participated in Really Big Prints since 2014 and these prints are larger – 60x30 inches. About three years ago, I started working with the laser cutter at a local makers-space and have incorporated laser cut pieces of my prints on paper as well as laser cutting and laser etching in making relief blocks.


Cibele Plouff


Cheryl Stidwell Parker