Colleen Ansbaugh

Colleen Ansbaugh is an artist living the good life in Up North Wisconsin. As a colorist, she both stitches hand dyed cloth along with painting on canvas as a means of sharing personal visions of the world. Interpretations of nature and the great north woods are Colleen's main sources of inspiration.

Studio time is utilized creating visual art. Her work is featured in numerous exhibits such as: National Textile Museum, Library of Congress, International Quilt Festival, Paducah National Quilt Museum, Cedarburg Quilt and Fiber Art Museum and many more.

Colleen Ansbaugh authors articles for Quilting Arts Magazine. In addition, her work is featured in a wide variety of publications. Her supportive husband and spoiled dogs encourage Colleen live life fully and share her creations with all.


Colleen Gunderson


Cibele Plouff