Joe Rakoczy
My aim is to create expressive and compelling photographic images that exhibit some or all of the following: revelation of hidden detail; air of mystery; evanescence of life/nature; semblance of order from visual chaos. While I enjoy photographing a wide range of subjects including landscape, nature/wildlife, and photojournalism/human interest, I particularly enjoy shooting scenes of snow and ice and capturing images in black-and-white and infrared.
Related study: Photography seminars/workshops by Galen Rowell, Franz Lanting, John Gerlach, Rod Plank, Dan Anderson, Eddie Tapp, George Lepp, DeWitt Jones, Scott Kelby, et al
Recognition: Numerous Best of Show and First Place photography awards. Photos published in Chicago Wilderness Magazine; Lake Superior Magazine; Photographic Society of America (PSA) Journal; Chicago Tribune. Winner of “Best Photo of Chicago” Carson Pirie Scott & Co. contest. TOPS in Photography awards from the Chicago Area Camera Clubs Association,and recipient of its Photographer’s Award for Artistic and Photographic Achievement.