Marcia Nickols

With a masters, in Art Education, I have taught all grades and feel 36 years of teaching art has taught me how to ‘see’ and be more creative. I have also studied with many master artists, especially since we moved to Door County in 2006. I have also studied in Giverny, Egypt, Sicily, and Ireland.

I believe we can all do art; we just need to see. Water has always been important for me growing up in Hawaii and spending life on the Midwest lakes. “The painting is like a thread that runs through all the other things that make one's life”-Georgia O’Keefe. It is natural that water-based oils and watercolor are my medium of choice. Although water is my favorite because of the reflecting light and changing movement, I like to see if I can create the total story by including the atmosphere, land nearby, the boats, people working, or the history of the subject within the painting. I am an Impressionist at heart, using color, light, and compliments.

Winslow Homer is also one of my influences as he brought life, power, and action to water. I see the color in everything and am always amazed at how alive it makes everything. I especially enjoy finding the unexpected colors and making them seem like they were always there. Combine all that with the changes of light on the surface of things in nature and I am never at a loss for subjects. At a recent critique, several of the members stated that my painting “actually looked wet”. One idea, leads to another, hence I am never doing the same thing, and I am creating!!!

Gallery Representation: The Pearl of Door County


Marie Rakoczy


Mac Schueppert